Thursday, December 23, 2010

Orange vs Mallory

I'm an avid Orange Drop fan. Heard good tones coming from its application & didn't look back ever since...

...but I'm always open to options, never to shut out the competitor just because I embrace a certain product or brand name. I've acquired the Mallory cap after talking to a bass player who has one in his bass. He asked me if I fancy an overall brighter tone for my instrument even after having the tone pot turned down some notches. My reply was a practical response- some of the instruments I possess will benefit from such a tonal manifestation so I decided to give the Mallory a try but had misplaced it for nearly a year. That's how it is with my grey cells these days; unless there's a specific documentation to help me locate some things, I'd most probably forget where they were placed in the first place.

Anyway, I'd like to share the performances of these capacitors in anticipation of such queries, knowing there'd be interested parties, of course. The Orange Drop will benefit those of us who prefer a wide tonal sweep; from very bright to very woolly. The Mallory on the other hand, introduces the woolly factor in liberal doses only. That would mean the Mallory has a limited tonal application, yes? It all depends on the intended application. If your instrument is inherently boomy sounding, the Mallory would help attend to some balance so that your tone won't mud-out once you put your tone knob into action. Maybe that's the reason why the bass player I talked to has a Mallory in his instrument- to ensure the bass benefits from some brightness since churning out bottom end isn't a problem.

I'm also not ruling out the fact that some of us can't really tell the difference after hearing these capacitors in action.

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